I hope everyone had a very blessed Thanksgiving!
Sadly, I got no pictures of Thanksgiving dinner, things tend to get crazy and the food is too good to put down!
I've been extremely blessed through out the past month or so. I figured I'd sure my 30 things that I'm thankful for, here.
I hope everyone takes time to remember just how thankful we should be.
#1 GOD- Without him I'd be nothing
#2-Fam(ily) Including my adopted family. They have always been by my side and seen me through my worst times.
#3 -A roof over my head, it wasn't long ago that we met a family who was living in a tent because they had lost everything.
#4- The bad times in my life, because they made me who I am today.
#5-Food, because some people can't just go to the fridge and eat whenever they want.
#6-My Artemus friends, Natasha, Tasha, Cory, Aaron, Chris and Victoria, they made school alittle better.
#7-My horrible eye sight, the christmas tree looks so amazing with all the lights on it, it looks like a big ball of color.
#8-My talent of photography, I love capturing the special moments in life.
#9-New friends. Friends are hard to find and i'm so very thankful for the wonderful friends I've made.
#10-An imperfect church family. No one is perfect and alot of people like to act like they are but my church family knows that they aren't nor do they claim to be.
#11-Music, no matter what mode your in there's a song that describes it and one to make it better.
#12- The troops and their wives, they are stronger then i ever could be!
#13- Christian movies, they sure are hard to find these days.
#14- My youth leader, he has held our hands and always stuck by us when things got rough.
#15-Mamaw Smith & Papaw Roger, They are true lovers of Christ. They honor him, and I can't wait to walk on streets of gold with Papaw Roger. I know he'd be proud of us.
#16-Clothes, I may not have many and they may not be fancy but atleast they cover my body.
#17-WLJC, We've been going to answer phone's up there and it's such a blessing, when you leave there you'll realize your problems are little compared to some.
#18-For Jessie Wolf and her amazing mommy, Jessie is a true angel of GOD and she reminds me of the wonders of life, ever time i see or think about her.
#19-I'm thankful for Pillows, they have heard my cries, comforted me, kept me warm, soothed a migraine, and been screamed at.
#20-Laughter, it's always good to laugh and i've done it alot lately!
#21-Books, when reality gets too much, a good book can take you on an adventure.
#22-Love, I'm loved by many and it's the greatest feeling!
#23-Dark rooms, they are awesome when you have a horrible migraine
#24-Chocolate, it doesn't complain, just understands.
#25-Timmy, my god-son, he saved my life in more ways then one. He can always make me smile even when I don't want to.
#26-Coloring books, they make me feel like a kid again.
#27-Animals, they are so innocent but yet they have feelings. So lovable.
#28-Writing, when you can't say the words because your too afraid people will know, a notebook won't tell.
#29-Flip flops, They are the closest thing I can get to barefoot and still get service at a store :P
#30- My life, though things was often rough, this is the life GOD choose for me and I thank him for that!
What are you thankful for?
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