Inspirational Photography - It's more then a hobby, it's a way of life!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

It smells like...Rain

What a gloomy day!! 
Around 6:30ish this morning I woke up to Thunder that was shaking my house, Wind that sound like it was breaking the house in two and rain that sounded like it was stabbing the house. Not to mention the lightening that made it look day light outside. 
Where is all this sudden rain coming from? 
I'm ready for swimming weather! 
I suppose with nothing else to do on the gloomy day, I will work on prom pictures. Package deals. Special give aways for the photography site. Possibly do a few tutorials for PSP 12. 
This evening I have to prepare for my Sunday School lesson. 
I've got a busy weekend ahead with photos! 
Praying for good weather. 
What do you like to do on gloomy days?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

On a Misson

I know without a doubt that I have been called to be a Missionary but GOD also knows that I'm not able to step so far out of my comfort zone as he needs me to in order to serve others like he did. So he has sent me on what I call 'Mini Missions' 
My next mission that I've prayed about and finally got my answer. 
I couldn't stop thinking about it. 
I'm pretty excited about. 
I will be making 'Prayer Baskets' that will include things people need. I.E. Toilet paper, canned goods, soap, smaller items that the family might need. 
I want to be able to help others. 
If it wasn't for GOD i wouldn't have a job, I wouldn't have money so I feel it is right to help others along this journey! 
Here's what I need from the readers of this blog. 
If you know someone that needs things. 
A family that can't afford much. 
Or if your reading this and YOU need something. 
Please let me know. 
No one has to know who said their names and don't be ashamed if it's you that needs help. 
I might not be able to help with your house payment but hopefully I'll be able to help in some way. My family always says The smallest things can help the most. 
Things are so expensive in this world and everyone needs help. 
So please leave it in a comment or you can find me on facebook. 
Mandy Lawson. 
In my profile here on the blog you can find my Yahoo ID and if you add you'll have my Yahoo E-mail. Please let me know 
This project isn't about ME, I don't want people to praise me, or give me thanks but give all the praise and thanks to GOD. He's almighty! 


Saturday, April 21, 2012

GOD is on the move!

GOD is on the move! 
Like always! 
For the first time since being voted in as Sunday School teacher, I had to miss Sunday school, which broke my heart! 
I didn't think it would be that big of a deal. I had worked all week and was simply tired plus I didn't have a ride. Though GOD knows I wanted to be at church with my class, he also knows I didn't try very hard. Being tired is no excuse and I could've found a ride but I choose to lay in bed and not try. 
As I lay in bed that morning I began to think...
What if my children needed me that morning? 
Yes, there was a teacher there but what if they needed ME?
What if my children were fighting a battle, between good and evil.
Mommy goes to church but why doesn't daddy? 
A question that many of my little ones have asked. 
It breaks my heart and I promised I would always be there for them but I lost a battle that morning. 
A battle between good and evil and unfortunately evil won. 
Laziness won but not anymore. 
I've not been able to stop thinking about what kinds of things that I can do with my Sunday School class this Sunday. 
With GOD's grace and guidance, we will hopefully begin to do arts and crafts to give our Sunday School a new look, along with a name. 
Since the big youth group is the 'Radical Servants' I thought why not make the little ones, 'Mini Servants' and write 'Radical' in the letters of 'Servants' What's everyone else think???

GOD's going to move in our Sunday School class. It's growing each week! 
Thank you LORD! 
Please pray for the little ones. Most of them are going through something that I wouldn't wish upon any child. 
One parent goes to church and the other doesn't. It hasn't to be hard for them. To be so little and one parent teaching you GOD's way and the other teaching the the WORLD's way. I know GOD hears their small voices each morning. So please pray with us that GOD's going to move, soon. 


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sunday School.

Last week in Sunday School, the little ones made Clay bowls. They had so much fun! Because the lesson helped me so much (more then them, i'm sure) I wanted to share it here! 

Jeremiah 18:6 
"O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand,O house of Israel" 

We learned that even though we are so much different from each other. GOD made us who we are. We was his clay and he was the potter. He molded us to be the person we are. 

So all the little ones took a ball of clay; Simply nothing. Just as we are. And they began to poke the middle, to form, to mold it. GOD knocks at our hearts  door and begins to soften, mold, form us.  I explained that they needed to make their bowls different. (It's hard for the twins because they do everything alike!) And to my surprise they made their bowls VERY different and they was very excited to let people know that we are different and it's ok because GOD loves us for who we are. People may not like us but that's ok, they don't matter. As long as we like ourselves (and we should though sometimes its hard) because GOD makes us. That's all that matters!!! 

(Pictures to come)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lesson learned!

As Sunday morning appoarched, I begin to study and seek for the words of the lesson. GOD decided a few weeks ago that this week we would learn about the porters house, personally it excited me more then the little ones. Trying to find GODs words it made me think. These are the words that came to mind.

"We will take this clay and make it into a bowl. Whatever kind of bowl you want. Make it different. GOD makes us different. We are like the clay. Jesus holds us in his hands and makes us just how he wants us. Different. One of a kind. Unique and beautiful. No matter what we are beautiful to him"

I began to think, how can I be tea bing my little class this If even I have a hard time accepting these things. Sometimes I want to be like others. I have a hard time accepting myself for what Jesus has made me to be. Then I realized that I am beautiful just the way I am. God made me have the health issues I have to make me stronger. He made me love others because he loves everyone. Even when the devil makes me feel ugly and unwanted. I'm beautiful because I'm his child!!!!

Thank you Jesus for teaching me a lesson!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It finally feels .....TOGETHER

Kind of an odd title but in all honesty, it's the only way to say how I feel. I guess to understand, you've got to hear the story. 
It started Saturday evening when the Radical Servants gathered to practice. We  was finally going back out to perform at another church. Getting things together , we was all ready to go. We was all getting along. Things was GREAT. I actually feel over joyed to say, it felt like we was a WHOLE youth group. Like we was one, instead of half over here, one over here and so forth. We practiced, fellowshipped and such for hours it seemed like. 
Sunday morning rolls around, we are all ready to go, until we are late getting up. Have to get to church early. There was people not ready and people TOO ready. Holly went into labor at 4:30 that morning (Not her fault!! lol) That put us down two people. Thanks Devil for being on our shoulders there. Will was at his sisters, Down three. The devil was HARD at work sunday. All during morning service he was making it hard to focus (I can only speak for myself here) I know the LORD was there (HE'S EVERYWHERE!) but it was like I couldn't feel him. 
There was a battle inside of me! 
But praise GOD, sunday morning we had one rededication and one saved. 
After church, the devil was still there, but he was slowly getting the boot because things was falling in place. 
Once we got to Pleasant View to set up. Jeremiah stood waiting for us. 
Slowly things were coming together. Normally when we set things up for skits, we have half sitting around, half talking. Not Sunday, they was just moving on with things. We knew what had to be done. When the skits began, watch out Devil!!! 
It was nothing I had ever felt before!!! It was a crazy spirit that was upon us. It was almost like GOD was saying, look at me, I've been here but you've been blinded. 
When we did Set Me Free, which was the last skit we did, I felt as if I was a demon, it was like GOD was saying, this is what you have become when you are blinded, you hurt people, you bring people down and then when Jesus comes walking up, and we all fall, I could hear him say, I KNOCK YOU DOWN, TO SHOW YOU HOW TO CLIMB!!!!! 
I just feel so over whelmed by his love, his peace, his greatness! 
I feel like for so long our Youth Group was two/three different groups. I feel like we haven't been a WHOLE youth group in soooooo long! But after Saturday night, I think GOD has fixed us, mended broken hearts once again. I feel like we are TOGETHER, by his love, his powers. He has brought us together, once again. I'm so thankful, so happy!!!!! 


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Radical servants...

This is to a youth group that has fought against and for each other. To a youth group that has spent restless nights. To a youth group that has cried together and over each other. To a youth group that has been back against the wall 99% of the time. To a youth group that has over come. To a youth group that has been to dependable but stop lone all at the same time. To a youth group that should've fell apart many times. To a youth group that has been fought against. To a youth group that is imperfect. To a youth group that is family. To a youth group that has each others back even though times get hard. To a youth group that has stood in the fire. To a youth group that has nearly burnt in the fire. To a youth group that will stand for jesus. To a youth group that is willing to learn. To a youth group that has been left alone and no where to turn. To my radical servants, things may get hard but I love yuns all very much. We aren't perfect. We have had our share of fights and disagreements but in the end we always find our way back. We know things are about to change but we've nearly been though it all! We can do this!!! TOGETHER!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lazy Day

I have to admit, today has been an EXTREMELY lazy day. There's not been much of anything going on except a lot of laying around and reading. I just recently decided to read 'Breaking Dawn' entirely before I get the movie (It's already pre-ordered). I made it to page 278 today! 
What does everyone on their 'lazy day'? 
We all have them at some point or another. 
I have recently been staying a lot with a few of my friends, spending time with them and also money has been tight and with Tuesday Night Bible study and Wednesday church it makes it difficult to stay home and be able to go. 
It's sometimes nice to come home and just lounge around in the comfort of your own home. I love it!  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Never thought..,

Today I read a quote that said this "if you never thank him after every smile, then you have no right to blame him for every tear" after reading this the only thing I could say was "ouch!". Needless to say that stepped all over my toes and maybe even broke a few. Why is it that we are so quick to say "why lord" when things are going bad but when we are enjoying life an laughing we hardly ever say thank you lord? I'm not saying I don't do it because I do it all the time. Our god deserves so much more!!! I just want to thank him! He has healed me, my friends. He has brought joy into my life! Im so happy, so thankful!!
Earlier one of my friends said "if I could have my daughter grow up like someone I would want it to be you" normally that would give someone the big head but I can't help but smile and say thank you lord for letting your love and kindness flow through me!! Thank you for giving me the strength to be who you want me to be! My praises flow out in your holy name!!
Just remember to say thank you lord!!!

GOD Bless!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Trust in the LORD

It's often hard to trust FULLY in the LORD. 
I've been a christian for years and still struggle  with it more then I think I should. 

"Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him" -Psalm 2:12

Tonight at bible study this verse was explained to us in a manner that was easy to understand. {The bible is sometimes confusing to the human mind, thankfully we have a leader that is willing to help us as much as he can} 
"Kiss the Son, lest he be angry" 
We, as christian's, need to have an in depth, personal relationship with GOD. We need to have the faith, have the strength, have the relationship with him that when we are angry, or sad, or we think he hates us, we know that deep down, he loves us! We have to love him even when we are in the valley! 
GOD Bless!  

Monday, January 30, 2012

That was GOD

I blogged a few days about the pain in my hip. I wasn't sure how long the pain would last or how much longer I could deal with the pain, or how much longer I could handle sleeping on the floor but it was the only relief I could get! It kept getting worse and worse so when Tuesday night came we all loaded up and went to bible study. At the end of bible study the pain was so unbearable that I couldn't sit, stand, lay without pain. So before dismissing I asked the youth to pray for me. I felt the spirit of the lord come down but it didnt feel like it was enough. Wednesday night at church I had nearly convinced myself not to go at all. But I tried three or four times to call to get a ride but got no answer, that was GOD! We got to church and right away the spirit of the lord came over us! I felt as if I could fly away in choir! My hip was killin me and I couldn't sit still! I grabbed my bible and walked to the back of the church, I had decided I would just stand an praise my jesus! Brother Rick stood up and told us that brother Tom had come to preach but that he had to follow the lord, he looked at brother Brian and a few of the other preachers and deacons on the front row and said "you boys know where that tub is in the basement" they simply nodded. "go get it" he said. The church looked at him oddly as the boys got up from their seats. In just a few minutes Brian returned with a kiddy pool. Rick said once again "boys, go get me some water, put water in it" he said this before looking at us. "you may think in crazy and that's alright but I've got to do what the lord says do, turn to John chapter five".

The pool of Bethesda.

A section in the bible I have become familiar with. I wasn't sure why god would lay that story upon my mind/heart so much! Now I know why and I praise the lord even more!!!!
Rick read us the story about the impotent man. Then he got the little kids to stir the water. He said someone needs a healing who would be the first to step in. By this time I had made my way back to my seat and sat in amazement! How awesome is out GOD !! I sat there praying that if I needed to step in the water, send a sign. I already knew but I didn't want to step in front of anyone. No sooner then I had opened my eyes from praying, holly touched me and simply said "go get it" I knew then that the lord had sent a sign. I began to take my socks off as tears ran down my face. I can't really describe the feeling that I had when I stepped into the pool! As they began to pray for me, my leg felt as if it was on fire! I knew that the lord had healed me!!! My pants were soaked and as I stepped out of the water the carpet didn't even get wet. That was GOD!! There was a bunch of people that stepped in and out of the water that night and never was the carpet wet!! If anyone was there that hadn't already figured out that it was GOD, I would have to say that was a sure sign!!!

The pain in my hip went on for days! But I knew, without a doubt, a healing was on the way and in his time. I honestly believe I doubted it on Tuesday but soon knew better to do it again! Saturday there was a trip scheduled to go with a different church to clear creek, I honestly didn't know how I would stand the ride there and being there all day. I can honestly say it wasnt that bad. I walked around most of the time and my leg didn't hurt but it felt weak. That night I returned home and was in a lot of pain. Let me remind you, I hadn't been able to sleep in a bed in almost two weeks. That night I decided to take a break and lay on the couch. I felt so much better. I hadn't been able to really sleep for the pain but when I laid down on the couch it felt so comfortable, so reassuring! I wanted so bad to go to sleep but instead knew I had to get up and finish my Sunday school lesson.
After finally laying down that night, I went back and read John chapter five and was still in amazement! "take up thy bed and walk" this was an impotent man and he was at full strength instantly!
I wrote all this to simply say this. I got my healing!!! My legs are weak from the medicine I was on but the pain is nearly gone and I couldn't be more thankful! I love the lord with all my heart. He amazes me so much. As I learn more about him I question, why would so many want to go through life without him? Too good to be true? Perhaps. I think I'll take my chances and live my life honoring an almighty, perfect savior instead of living a life full of sin only to find out in the end, it's true.

I felt like I needed to write this because someone has been doubting. Either doubting a healing, a happening or perhaps GOD himself! He's done so much for me, I couldn't imagine doubting him. Though it's human nature and im sure at some point I'll fail and doubt but the good thing is, he forgives!!!

It just keeps getting better!
If you've stuck around to read this whole blog, thank you and please know im praying for you. I don't know who you are but I'm sure you need the prayers , GOD BLESS!!!

Friday, January 27, 2012


For all the supporters Amber and I have out there, here is a tiny bit of the beginning of the book! 

***This book is written as fiction but most of the scene’s and happenings did take place in our life at some point or another but are placed in a fictional stand point so that we can better bring out how they happened and how GOD used them for good in our lives.*** 

The gravel road quickly slipped away beneath the tires of the blue mini van. The large rock that greeted all visitors quickly came into view.

So Blessed

Beyond that point, you was just that; so blessed.

The mountain rolled back for miles, the autumn leaves decorated the view against the beautiful blue sky.
Red cabins with rock walk ways were built into mountains. The barn sat to the side of the main cabin. Flower beds and rows of corn stalks. Sheep and goats made homes in one of the many fences. Stalls in the low of the barn held many pigs. Chickens made homes in the loft of the barn. Cows grazed the surrounding open fields.
Early morning meant milking the cows as someone sent one of the many bales of hay down the chute. The barn cats wait patiently surrounding the milking station for the daily taste testing of fresh milk.
In small cages built; child height off the ground, lined the rock wall coming from the barn; bunnies played peek-a-boo with each other.
Horses ran through the space separating the barn and where the sheep and goats were.

Two families lived on the land. Jewel and Jacob Thomas lived in the first cabin where the ‘So Blessed’ rock stood. Rebecca and Jeremiah Longsworth lived in the main cabin out by the barn.

Helping Hands was an unusual place. Everyone was welcome; The families didn’t turn any one away.
{Matthew 7:1}

Thursday, January 26, 2012


I apologize for being behind on my Photo-A-Day and keeping my blog updated. I have some how injured myself and now been in alot of pain so there's been alot of laying around and resting for me! I promise I will catch back up on things! I hope all has been well with everyone and you all have been enjoying our Mid-Winter Spring time weather!!!! 
I'd like to share the Sunday School verse. I'm so proud of my little ones, they learn so fast!!! 
"Salvation belongeth unto the Lord, thy blessings is upon thy people" Psalm 3:8 KJV 

Video's from Sun Rise.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

What better way...

To spend a Saturday night? Though I should be sleeping comfortable like the little boy beside me, I can't seem to get my mind to shut down!! There is so many things that I can't seem to stop thinking about!! The wet/dry vote, the Sunday school lesson tomorrow, the pain in my leg, having to go to the doctor, finding a job, getting my licenses, getting chapter two of the book sent to editors, spend time with the ones that are important, but most of all, I cant stop thinking of my Jesus, I can't stop thinking about how lazy people have become!!! Being a Christian sure ain't easy but when Jesus was carrying his own cross up Calvary's hill, do you think that was easy?? It amazes me at how merciful our god is. He always forgives even when people fall by the wayside and become lazy. A lot of people have, including myself. I've fell by the wayside before but not again will I. I've got a longing in my heart to be with him and I feel as if his returning is nearing, more and more people fall away, and just when no one expects it, his face we will see!!! GOD Bless everyone! I hope everyone finds themselves a comfy pew in a few hours! Don't forget to pray !

Photo-a-day 1-21-12

Timmy and I was watching a movie!

Photo-a-day 1-20-12

Anti-alcohol rally!!

Photo-a-day 1-19-12

A day of temple run!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Photo-a-day 1-18-12

Holly was sick all day and I've been in pain so we're laid up on the couch watching full throttle saloon !!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Photo-a-day 1-12-12

Spent the evening listening to awesome music performed live in the living room

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Photo-a-day 1-11-12

Highlight of my day was being at church this evening (where we watched a girl find Jesus at this very alter!!! Thank you lord!) . It was such a heart warming thing to see my THREE year old god son praying with people, photo below is him praying with his uncle Brian. He had been praying with him for awhile, though his little mind was wondering. His hand never left his back!!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Photo-a-day 1-09-12

Good southern meal with fancy dishes!

I've been so blessed!

He shall receive the blessing from the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. (Psalm 24:5 KJV)

I've been extremely blessed with a family that loves me. With a church family that is imperfect and perfect all in the same. With friends that love me unconditionally. I've got shoes on my feet, a roof over my head and food on the table. I've been blessed with the knowledge, help and words to start writing a book. I have the strength and talent to love photograpghy. This Morning i just can't help but to think of how blessed I am!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Photo-A-Day 1-08-12

Spent some time with this cute little guy after a extremely blessed day at church!!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Photo-a-day // 1-06-12

Late night snacking, at it's best!!!

Photo-A-Day // 1-05-12

This isn't a photo I took but Thursday was just so busy! 
We spend the day hanging fliers, spreading the word to vote our county to stay DRY! 

Photo-A-Day /// 1-04-12

I went to spend time with my good friend Amberee, and ended up being in bed the entire day, sick :-(

Photo-a-day // 1-03-12

Spent the day shopping, new clothes to start the new year!

Choose DRY!

Don't Be Shy, You might DIE. Choose Wisely. Wet or Dry. 

Drinking and Driving kills! 

Of course everyone that is FOR making the city wet, will say, oh people won't drink and drive or people already do it. However, the second part is true, people do already do it but why make it worse. Why put your children, family and friends in more danger then it has to be. When you go to a bootlegger, more then likely you are taking it home to sit. If your drinking at a bar in town, seeing as we don't have taxi's, your going to be drinking and driving. Why would you even risk it?! 

CHOOSE DRY!!!!!!!! 
Jesus would NOT want the county wet! This will cause SO much danger to the people inside and outside of the city! Could you live with yourself if you voted Wet, the law got passed and it was YOUR child that was taken in a drunken accident, fight or shooting? Your mother? Your best friend? 

We've heard people say that WE as the people of this town, can't make a difference but we CAN. You have to stay firm and know that GOD is in control of ALL things and that if we do our part and vote NO, and pray without stopping, I believe that GOD will not allow this. He is giving people a choice and some are choosing wrong. 

There will be a Rally Jan. 20th at 7pm, around the court house square, AGAINST the wet vote. We do NOT want our town going wet. Please come and be with us. But most importantly, get registered to vote before Jan. 9th and vote NO/DRY on Feb. 7th!!!!!! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Photo-A-Day // 1-02-12

Timmy and I waited for the snow to come but since it refused to let us enjoy it we went to visit Sheba and Spade <3

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Photo-a-day // 1-01-2012

Day 1, getting ready to go praise my precious savior!

First day, New Year

It's finally 2012, it seems as thought this year had been talked about so often. In movies, in theory, in deadlines and dreams. Who has plans for 2012? Today begins a new year, GOD willing, of new years, hopes and dreams. Later today I will have my first Photo-A-Day photo. I have to admit I'm rather excited as to what kind of photos I will be getting, sometimes they might not always be the best but when the end of the year comes, you can take a moment to remember! I hope everyone has a great and blessed day!