Inspirational Photography - It's more then a hobby, it's a way of life!

Friday, December 30, 2011

My letter....It's been so hard.

I just sent this to Leonard. It's been so hard to write a letter to him. I always get to emotional. May GOD pour our his blessings upon them. 

Numerous times I have opened my e-mail and began writing to you. Each time I have found myself a total mess half way through the letter and not being able to finish it. That might seem a little silly but over the years I'm sure you realized I'm just a wee bit over emotional sometimes. 
I've wanted to write this letter ever since the passing of our sweet angel. I've written letters to be mailed but they never made it. I'm not sure why it has been so hard for me to send you this letter.  Maybe it just wasn't the right time. 

I can't put into words how much I miss Kathleen. I've thought a lot about her lately, a lot about your entire family. How everyone is doing, how the kids are holding up. That kind of thing. Seems as if life always gets in the way somewhere and I find the thoughts pressed aside until I have a moment to think again. 

This year at the Daniel Boone Festival I walked past your house, half expecting to see Kathleen's smiling face on the porch, swinging away. It doesn't even seem real. It seems like she's gone on vacation and she'll be back after while. The more I thought about that, it's kind of true. She is gone on vacation and soon we'll join her there in glory. I long to be like Kathleen. I want to be just like her. I want to have the kind of faith she had. Even at her weakest moment, she seemed like the strongest person I knew. I miss her. I miss her so much. When I think of Kathleen, I can't help but think 'She's the perfect role model' She was an amazing friend, mother,  helper, sister, worker. She was just so amazing. I know she wasn't perfect but when I think of the way I'd want my life to be, the way I want my walk with JESUS to be, all i can see is Kathleen's face. 

When I think of Kathleen I think. Mother. Sister.Wife. Friend. Child of the King. Helper. Lover. Voice of an angel. Gorgeous Hair. Soft touch. Tender heart. The brightest rose in the garden. The warmest blanket on a cold day. The smiling face in the rain. The warm spot of sun in the snow. A pure heart of gold. 

I know you already know this but you and your family are SO BLESSED! I pray that one day GOD gives me a family just like yours. I know you have your flaws and you might be thinking why on earth would I pray such a prayer but you guys have helped so many and have over come so many things, it amazes me. 
And i'm not sure where the washing machine came from for Janice but I thank YOU and the good lord above for it. She LOVES it and it's so helpful. I went up to stay with her after she got it and she hurried me into the bathroom to see that the hamper was empty and she was caught up with all laundry. I want to be able to have a hand in bringing that kind of smile to people's faces. 
Please tell Dara I said congrats on the bundle of joy, i know she's going to make a GREAT mom. I'd love to know when she has a baby shower so that I can get to see her. Also tell MaryEllen I said Hi and I miss her. I wish I got to see you all more often. 
When is services at your church?? Maybe I'll be able to drop in and say hi. 

I pray that GOD pours out even more blessing upon such great people as you and your family. What a blessing you all have been to me, and i know many more. 

God Bless! 

Good News for BC. From Leonard Lester

Dearest Friends and Family,
I just received a letter from Loma Linda University Medical Center, 11234 Anderson St., Loma Linda, CA 92354.  You may remember that I chose to go there 5 and half years ago for my prostate treatment with my stage 4 cancer (out of 5).  The proton beam therapy that they provided was so effective (my PSA has been .4 since the treatment) without side effects.  I have greaved over folks who have suffered with other treatments.  Proton beam is also without pain in treatments. 
Now they treat breast cancers as well with the same effectiveness and without the damage from normal radiation treatments!!!!
I have now shared with you two kinds of treatments for cancers that are so much more effective and without the side effects of normal treatments.  I know that God had his timing for Kathleen's finishing her work here and our finding out about these treatments after the fact.  But if they had been available 7 years ago, people like Kathleen would still be with us.  Please share these two things with those you discover are finding they have cancer.  Break throughs have to be encouraged sometimes.
Loma Linda University Medical Center
God be with you.  LL

Rev. Leonard A. Lester
227 Sycamore Dr.
Barbourville, KY 40906-1129

Update from Leonard

I am posting this e-mail from Leonard for all the lovely friends of Kathleen. 

Dear family and friends,

In my last Legacy update regarding Kathleen, one of our dear friends wrote:

Hi Leonard!
It was good to hear from you and thank you for the update -Kathleen's Legacy. I enjoyed reading all of it, especially the news about your family, and of you. We have thought of you often and have neglected to write, but you and your family have been in our hearts and prayers often.  One thing, I have to be honest with you--I don't think I understand the full story of "Kathleen's Porch"--even at the funeral when it was mentioned several times I did not fully understand the full significance.  I knew that I loved the porch with the lights and the swing, etc., but I have decided that more went on there than I realized.  Sometime you can bring me up to date on this.

So I thought maybe others might like a more detailed “view” of her porch.

Several years ago, mostly after her first bout with breast cancer in `06, Kathleen began to show more interest in the things outside the house in the yard.  Since two female dogs and one hen-pecked red boned hound “owned” the back yard, Kath began to dress up the front of our home.  Our neighbor with two green thumbs coached her on growing some flowers.  This she did and became quite good at it, so different from her earlier years.  Her creative juices  began to flow and wreaths went up and a blind fence hiding our air conditioner, some lighting (we stayed up till midnight on that project), initially real ivy, later fake but realistic ivy on the porch, flowers around the fence and hanging baskets, paint and cleaning.  Then she and the girls did seasonally decorated table cloths and cushions and her whimsical yellow tea pot and tea cups in the grapevine-ivy ceiling border over the front and one side above the swing.  The colors and fancies made it quite homey with the sun shades cuddling it on two sides.

The beauty of the front nook was not the magic of this place but it was in the hospitality it afforded.  Kath was often seen having her quiet time in the swing.  She talked with friends on the phone while swinging and enjoyed extended reading bouts there.  Our oldest daughter found a set of swing springs that made her swing the envy of all who sat in its unusual comfort.  Many left vowing to get a set for their swing.

The porch hosted overflow for family feasts and several seats were fought over, especially the swing.  She painted the porch floor once each year and cleaned it more than that.  She defended it firmly against neighborhood cats and birds wanting to make it a home as well.

But the fondest memories are the times she would use it to talk.  Kathleen talked with the kids there, loving and guiding each one.  She later began to increase her circle with adopted kids on the porch too.  She loved it when the kids made it their favorite place as well.  Kath would find it a wonderfully soothing counseling room also.  Many younger women “sat at her feet” on that swing with her.  Some were older who shared their hearts and cherished her counsel.  The Lord was the invited regular on that porch and you could sense Him there.

Our family would often ask for our devotions to be held on the porch, sometimes in marginal weather with blankets and extra clothes needed.  On warm summer nights we would bring out hymnals and serenade the neighbors.  The “adopted kids” often gathered and jammed out with guitars (acoustical and reasonable) and with singing.  The last big gathering of that “adopted family” they forced a command performance of Kath reading several pages of Lena by Margaret Jensen.  Kath loved this book because it shouted the burden of her heart for those young adults hanging on her every word.

The porch was the site for mending broken hearts, tear felt and filled disciplines, visions shared, pains processed, loving words shared and private love talk with the newly engaged and at times with one old husband (me).  She successfully fought mosquitoes and demons on that porch and calmed my heart and straightened my walk so often.  It is aptly named her porch because it oozed her character and colors, and her prayers.

I cried when three couples, whom we love, went together and gave us the plaque that we hung beside our front door.  It summarizes it well:


We miss her much right now and hurt for her presence.  Her Lord and ours has blessed us with her best and has left us with her love and life-blood and legacy.  It is enough with Him and we can go on more faithfully with her push.  She revealed Christ in her life and touch.  She proved His presence and Truth and confirmed His Spirit’s promptings.   We are very thankful this Christmas for we have tasted His best.  Pray that we share Him faithfully as we have seen it shared up close and personally.

Thanks for helping me reminisce, it’s been good.

Lester Love from Barbourville—Merry, merry Christmas!
December 24, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Good-Bye 2011

As a new year approaches, I have high hopes for 2012 and many wonderful memories from 2011. 
First and foremost, I'd like to give thanks to the ones that have helped me along the way. 

  • My mommy & daddy. Even though money was rough at the time, when my camera lens tore up & I went into melt down mode, they quickly found a way to make things work so that I could pursue my dreams. 
  • GOD, without him, my dreams wouldn't be possible at all. I know that he made a way for us to buy the new camera and continue on living completely blessed. (As for me and my photography, we will serve the LORD) 
  • Vic, Darren, Britt and Nick for trying some of the craziest poses, never turning down a photo shoot, always giving me idea's and encouragement. You guys are awesome! 
  • My amazing friend, Amber Ree for letting me test idea's on her. She's a trooper! (P.S. she hates getting her picture taken but she does it for me :)
  • All the little children in my life that never fail to give me the fakest of smiles and the silliest of faces! 
  • Ritza Miller, for the new friendship, encouraging words and the wonderful 'Behind the camera' Photos. 
  • To each and ever person (If i went to naming, I'd surely leave someone out) that said an encouraging word, said a prayer or gave input on a photo or idea. You all have been great and such a blessing to me. Not a day goes by that I don't think 'How blessed am I?' 
In 2012, there will be special package deals for my followers, here and on the facebook page. Special blog coupons. And also, Photo-A-Day. I've attempted it many times and have failed but I've seen some amazing photo's from other photographers who have had the strength to do this. 
With GOD all things are possible! ♥ 

Thanks once again to my lovely followers, fans, friends & family! 

Monday, December 26, 2011

Capturing Dreams

While being a photographer I have often wonder if I'm taking picture of another person's dream? All my life I've wanted to be a photographer, I wanted to spend countless hours editing pictures. Not too long ago my good friend Ritza took some 'behind the camera' photos and she captured my dream! It's so amazing to think about. What are your dreams? How do you feel about some one taking pictures of a dream you never thought would come true? I would love to know :)

GOD Bless! <3

Merry (a little late) Christmas

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and even more importantly, you each remembered the true reason for the season. Without the man that hung on the tree, we could not have  a CHRISTmas tree. 
This Christmas was a little different for me. 
I spent Christmas Eve with my bestfriend and her family and then Christmas day with my family. How BLESSED am I?!?! Each year it's been about what kind of present did I get this year? I hope it's expensive and pretty. This year it was SO much more. I got to see my GOD-son rip open his, what seemed like millions, of tow-mater toys and clothes. He was in LOVE. the smile on his face was over whelming. We had Chinese Christmas at Mamaw Brenda's Christmas Eve night. It was amazing to be able to see everyone. Though tears where shed, as Mamaw gave all the boys some of Papaw Roger's tools. I couldn't help but think, Wonder what Papaw was doing at that very moment. There won't be any tears in heaven, but does that include happy tears? Only GOD knows but if so, I bet that's what Papaw was doing. I believe he would be proud of Mamaw for having the courage to do it. After spending a few hours with the  entire family, lots of presents and noise we returned home where just the six of us, Including Vic's boyfriend, Darren, opened our gifts from one another. 
That night, "Santa" stopped by to deliver even more present's to Timmy. For the sake of others, We'll just say that Vic and I decided to sleep in the living room to wait on "Santa" :-P 
Timmy let us sleep in (9:30) when he woke up saying "Them for me? Timmy do like Santa now" He talks in third person, which still cracks me up. 
I didn't get pictures that morning, like I had hoped but did manage to get a few on my Iphone, will post them later. 
Christmas day followed with alot of terribly good food, I say terrible because it was terrible on my weight. I ate far too much. 
Christmas Day, I spent the evening opening presents with my parents, grandparents, aunt and uncle. I got lots of scarfs!! I ♥ Scarfs. I even got a small hand held video camera (Thanks Nene) 
I topped the evening off by watching movies with two of my favoirte girls. 
I can't help but think just how BLESSED I am. I don't deserve anything I receive! 
Did this Christmas give you a new out look on life? It did me. 
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. 

I'd like to share a few pictures from my one and only Christmas photo shoot!